Setting Employee Opening Balances (Year to Dates)

If you’re migrating your payroll, you'll most likely want to set the opening balances for the leave entitlements and the year to date payment figures for your employees.

If someone is paid cumulatively then it will use the opening balances/year to dates to add to the figures in the payrun and work out the PAYE and National Insurance on the whole amount.

Opening balances are for the initial year only.

If you need to change the Initial Financial Year please do this as explained in this article here

To set up the opening balances for your employees, open the employee record that you wish to set the opening balances for and then select 'Opening Balances' on the left.

Within the Opening Balances screen, there are five tabs:

  • Leave Balances
  • Earnings
  • Deductions
  • Pension and PAYE
  • National Insurance


When you have entered all of the below information you will need to press 'Save' at the end of each section.

Leave Balances

When entering leave balances, enter balance as at the point of transition to this payroll system. Partial hours are entered as a decimal (eg: 6.5 hours).


Earnings are the year-to-date gross values for the financial year specified. The default pay categories are above, however if you wish to use a different pay category then you will need to have added this pay category prior to entering the opening balances (please see this article for assistance in adding a  Pay Category). If you want to put the total hours in you can however this is optional.


Enter the year-to-date deduction amounts for the financial year specified. 

Pension and PAYE

Enter the year-to-date PAYE amounts, Student loans and Pension amounts for the financial year specified. 


You need to enter the National Insurance year to date details in this section. You will find this information from the payroll system you were previously using. 

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