Subscription payment details and plan options

The payment method options available to subscribers are:

  • Credit card using Visa or Mastercard; or
  • Direct debit of a bank account

The default payment method will be credit card. Once credit card details are entered, the platform will perform a pre-authorisation of a small amount to make sure the card is valid, but the credit card will not‌ be charged. It will show in your internet banking as a 'Pending' charge for a couple of days before it disappears.

Changing payment details

How do I add a new credit card?
  1. Click Payroll Settings.
  2. Click Subscriptions.
    Screenshot of dashboard with payment setting and subscriptions highlighted Your current payment information will then be shown.
  3. Click Change payment details.
    Screenshot of subscription page with change payment details highlighted
  4. Click Use a new credit card
    Screenshot of subscriptions page with add credit card button highlighted
  5. Click Enter details
  6. Enter your card details
    AU Screenshot of adding card details with submit highlighted
  7. Click Submit


How do I set up a direct debit?
  1. Click Payroll Settings.
  2. Click Subscriptions.
    Screenshot of dashboard with payment setting and subscriptions highlighted
    Your current payment information will be shown.
  3. Click Change payment details. Screenshot of subscription page with change payment details highlighted
  4. Click Set up a direct debit
    Screenshot of subscriptions page with set up new direct debit button highlighted
  5. Click Enter details
  6. Enter your direct debit details
  7. Click Submit
  8. Once all fields (note the mandatory fields) have been completed click on the submit button. You will then be directed to the direct debit mandate that contains the following information:
  • Bank details provided by you
  • Date of authorisation by you
  • Details of the merchant, ie Employment Hero


Confirming the mandate is an essential and compulsory step in this process as, without your authorisation, we will not be able to debit your bank account for payment.  

Upon clicking the Confirm button, payment details will be saved and an email will be sent to the billing contact email address with confirmation of your direct debit setup.

Changing plans

How do I change subscription plans?

For inquiries about other subscription options, or to switch plans, please email with your business name and account ID.


If you have any feedback or questions please contact us via

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