Employee Self Setup - Employee Process

With the release of Employee Self Setup (also known as onboarding), employers can say goodbye to the paperwork associated with hiring new employees. The feature lets employers manage the onboarding process from start to finish quickly and seamlessly. It also makes your onboarding process a lot more simple. 

To see a short video on Employee Self Setup click here.

What you need to do

There are six steps you will need to complete when setting up your new Payroll platform and you will complete these actions through the payroll platform. The steps are:

Step 1: Set your password

The first step is for you to set your desired password. You will use the password you set on this page to login into your account from now on. The steps on how to set your password are:

  1. Open up the email invitation email.
  2. In the password sentence, click the Login and Setup My Employee File button.
  3. Enter your password into the Password field.
  4. Click the Reset Password button.
Step 2: Enter your personal details

The next stage is inputting your personal details, such as your date of birth, address, personal phone number, emergency contacts, and your bank account details. The steps on how to complete your personal details are:

  1. In the Personal Details section, complete the following fields: 
    • Title.
      • Mr.
      • Ms.
      • Mrs.
      • Miss.
      • Dr.
    • First name.
    • Middle name.
    • Surname.
    • Date of birth.
    • Gender:
      • Female.
      • Male.
      • Unspecified
    • Residential address.
    • Postal address is the same as residential.
    • Email address.
    • Mobile phone.
    • Use my personal information for tax details to find existing superfunds.
  2. Click the Next Step button.
Step 3: Enter your tax details

The next stage is inputting your tax details into the payroll platform electronic tax declaration form. The steps on how to complete your tax declaration form are:

  1. Enter your Tax File Number into the Tax File Number field.

    Helpful Hint

    If you do not have a Tax File Number, you can use the Reason drop-down to select why this is the case.

  2. In the Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes drop-down, select either:
    1. Yes. 
    2. No.
    3. A working holiday maker.
  3. Select either Yes or No for the following options:
    • Do you want to claim the tax-free threshold for this payer?
    • Do you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), VET Student Loan (VSL), Financial Supplement (FS), Student Start-up Loan (SSL) or Trade Support Loan (TSL) debt?
  4. Click the Next Step button.
Step 4: Set your work eligibility

The next stage is inputting your work eligibility details into the HR platform's electronic VEVO verification form. The steps on how to enter your work eligibility details are:

  1. Select either Yes or No to the question Are you an Australian/New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident?

    Helpful Hint

    If you answered yes to the question, continue to step 6. If you answered no, then continue to instructional step 2.

  2. Complete the following fields in the Work Eligibility section:
    • Passport number.
    • Passport expiry date.
    • Country of passport.
    • Visa type:
      • Student (8104/5).
      • Holiday (8547).
      • Bridging.
      • Other.
    • Visa expiry date.
  3. Click the Add Documents button to add any supporting documentation.
  4. Click the Acknowledgement tick box.
  5. Click the Next button.
Step 5: Bank account setup

These steps show you how to set up your bank account details in our payroll platform. The steps on how to enter these details are:

  1. Complete the following fields:
    • Account name.
    • BSB.
    • Account number.
    • Pay into this account.
  2. Click the Next Step button.
Step 6: Superannuation setup

If your company has enabled the Super Choice Marketplace, you can choose from the following:

  • Existing APRA Funds.
  • Super Choice Funds.
  • Self Managed Super fund (SMSF).
  • Employer-nominated fund which only appears if the business has a default fund set up.

If you selected Yes to the Use my personal details to find existing superfunds question in the Personal Details stage, and if we find details of an existing superfund on one of their platforms, we will ask if you want to continue with that fund.

Employees can select their existing complying APRA super fund by clicking on the Get Started button within the Existing tile. Once you select the super fund, the platform will pre-fill the super fund ABN and product code, with the employee entering their member number.

Employees can also enter details for the self-managed super fund (SMSF) by clicking on the Get Started button within the Your SMSF tile. Employees will then need to enter the following details:

    • SMSF name.
    • ABN.
    • Account name.
    • BSB.
    • Account number.
    • Electronic service address (ESA).

The employer-nominated fund only appears if your business has a default fund set up. To access this option, click the Other heading, which will open to reveal the Employee Default Fund tile. Once the employee clicks Get started within the Employer default fund tile, the name of the default super fund will be shown. Click the Next button to proceed with the rest of the self-setup process.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments or via support@yourpayroll.com.au



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